Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Completing Your Education for Ministry Can Be Done!

Mark 9:23 (NKJV)
23 Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

Any time that we try to move forward in God, the enemy places roadblocks in our way and tells us that it can't be done. Those that know God and the power of His Word always gird up their loins with God's truth and move forward. From time to time, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus can commissioned us to be mountain movers!

Mark 11:22-24 (NKJV)
22 So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

It is my pleasure to share an article written by Michele Davenport, A.B.S. She is a recent Biblical Life graduate that faced insurmountable odds, yet was able to cross the graduation finish line in victory!

victoryIt Can Be Done!

by Michele Davenport, A.B.S.

“For nine long years the record of the mile hovered just above four minutes. As early as 1945, Gunder Haegg had approached the barrier with a time of 4:01.4. But many people said the limits of physical capacity had been reached; it was impossible to break the four minute barrier. However in 1954 Roger Bannister broke the tape at 3:59.4. And what was the result? Well, as soon as the myth of the “impossible barrier” was dispelled, the four-minute mile was attacked and pierced by many with apparent ease. In almost no time the four-minute achievement was bettered sixty-six times by twenty-six different runners! If one dismisses this as merely the power of competition, the point is missed. There was just as much competition before the four-minute mile was broken. What the succeeding runners discovered from Bannister was it can be done” [1]

It can be done! I started my Associates at Biblical Life College and Seminary while my husband and I were stationed in New York. I was home schooling two children, running a household, working out, and ministering to my unsaved neighbors (who are now in Japan serving the Lord.)

It can be done! Eight months after I had started college we received orders to Missouri. As we prepared for transition the final home school classes had been taught, books had been put away, the last item was positioned on the moving truck, and our good- byes had been said, I was still studying for my classes.

It can be done! As the new directions of our lives were leading us west, I quickly realized that some of our toughest challenges still lied ahead but little did I know the challenges I would face personally would be the eventual challenge of my own survival. We had to find a house, set up camp, and start home schooling again, my girls were becoming young ladies, and my husband was transitioning into his new job as I was trying to stay the course, run the race, and continue my journey at Biblical Life. It was only moments after we arrived that I knew something was terribly wrong. My mother’s health was failing her, she was weak, fragile, and fighting for her very life. For seven months we were in and out of the hospital with my mom, who was also my best friend, seven months she fought for every breathe she breathed and on December 12, 2007 my mother finally had her crossing over moment that ushered her to the feet of Jesus. I did survive my best friend’s death. I took several months off from school to mourn my mother’s presence in my life, but then I picked up my books, gathered my strength, and proceeded to the finish line which I crossed on July fifteenth 2010. Why am I sharing my life with you? Because it can be done!

You can start school yourself while your homeschooling two children. You can be a wife, a husband, a mother, a father, a minister of God’s Word, a friend to the lost, the house keeper, the meal maker, the bread winner, the teacher, and the student. You can start your training in one state only to end up in another. You can say hello to love ones, and good-bye almost within the same breath, but you can never do any of it without the will to finish. It can be done! But it cannot be done alone, you will need the guidance of the Holy Spirit every step of the way.

The education I received from Biblical Life College and Seminary has been character building, life-changing, and transforming to the extreme of my own comfort. Students, sometimes the journey is about the scenery, on occasion the journey is about the geographical location, now and again the journey is about a method or a process, from time to time the journey is about life, and occasionally the journey is about death, but every moment of the journey has the potential to tutor those who say, “It can be done!”


About the Author

Michele enrolled into a customized Associate of Biblical Studies in 2005 and graduated the program Magna Cum Laude in 2010. She and her husband Marty operate a ministry called "Faith Builders" (http://www.fbministries.com/) in the Kansas City area. Michele is a Christian columnist for a local paper in Kansas City and she has authored three books: Ripened on the Vine, From My Heart to Yours Devotional, and Unexcused Absence. All three of her books are available at her ministry website (www.fbministries.com) or on Amazon.


The Free Resource This Week

Dr. Michael K. Lake recently taught on "Jesus - the Ultimate Singularity in Space-Time & the Multi-Dimensional Reality of the Cross." In this powerful message, he explains from the Word of God and physics, how the completed work of Jesus is still working miracles in our lives today. Use the link below to download this free message in MP3:



Sowing a Seed for Victory

Through the various ministries of Biblical Life, we are continually sowing seeds into your life through articles, free MP3 messages that can be downloaded, and even monthly video teachings. We have several projects that we need to move forward in September and we are asking our students, graduates, and friends to pray about sowing a seed into the fertile soil of this ministry. You can place love gifts online through our online store or mail them into our office.

Online Offerings: http://store.biblical-life.com/servlet/-strse-Biblical-Life-Assembly-cln-Love-Gifts-to-Ministry/Categories

Mail Your Love Gift to: Biblical Life, P.O. Box 588, Marshfield, MO 65706-0588.


[1] McGinnis, Alan Loy. Bringing out the Best in People: How to Enjoy Helping Others Excel. Augsburg Books, Minneapolis MN. Copyright 1985.

Monday, August 30, 2010

When Physics and the Word Agree

physicsFor the past few weeks, I have been studying elements of physics as they relate to the Word of God.  This past weekend before I ministered, I had a moment of clarity and completely changed my message.  I taught on “Jesus – the Ultimate Singularity in Space-Time and the Multi-Dimensional Reality of the Cross.”  This message will share why the Cross can make a difference in our lives today from a multi-dimensional framework.  It will make what Jesus did and who He is a more powerful reality in your life!


Dr. Michael K. Lake – Biblical Life College & Seminary and Biblical Life Assembly.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maturation of the Bride–Part 3

drlake-blpMaturation of the Bride - Part 3. For the Bride to mature, she needs several things: (1) to Be Healed Up from Wounded, (2) to be Trained Up in Who She is, (3) to be Geared Up for the Tasks ahead of Her, (4) to be Empowered Up for Service, and (5) to be Activated to Move Forward in the Kingdom of God. This week, we will be examining what the Messiah has done to heal up the wounds of His bride.


Download this Free MP3 Message


Message taught by Dr. Michael K. Lake – Chancellor of Biblical Life College & Seminary and the Pastor of Biblical Life Assembly.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maturation of the Bride - Part 1

by Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

It does not take a prophet with keen discernment to realize that the Church of the Living God is being attacked on every side. This onslaught of the enemy is on many fronts. We have progressive/socialistic agendas pressing the Church from without. We also see from within the abandonment of key principle doctrines and the desire of the younger generation to run after questionable music masquerading as praise and worship, tattoos (which are forbidden by scripture), and social trends, fads, and pressures, which mold their biblical worldview. There are times that I sit in complete dismay at the changes that have occurred in the Church - just in the last ten years. It now seems that much of the Church is more worried about what the world thinks of them than they are the Savior who died and rose again to redeem them.

This past week, my wife was listening to very popular minister teaching on the Pretribulation Rapture on his weekly satellite broadcast. He shared how individuals in the Body of Christ were writing him and calling him a "heretic" because he was teaching on the Pretribulation Rapture. Now this man is a wonderful and anointed minister of the Gospel . (Not only have I listened to his ministry for years, but I have good friends who grew up with him.) We need to understand that there is no excuse for such name calling in the Body of Christ. As I heard Mary describe the hurt in his voice, I heard the Holy Spirit say:

"The Church today is like a family of spoiled children that spend most of their time arguing about the 'exact time' when Daddy is supposed to arrive home instead of getting their chores done before he gets there."

I would have to say "amen" to that!

The Pretribulation Rapture View is Not the Only View

Growing up in the Baptist Church (both Southern Baptist and Missionary Baptist), I thought that the only eschatological view was the Premillennial Pretribulational View. This was the view held in those circles, as well as among many in the Charismatic Movement. I remember as a teenager looking through the Chick tract entitled "The Beast" with the dispensational charting of the Premillennial Pretribulational View laid out in a cartoon format. I thought that, at the ripe age of 14, I had all of the end time events down to a fine art. Over the years, I have heard ministers refer to those that did not hold that particular view as heretics, as if determining the exact timing of the Lord's return was a part of orthodoxy. This kind of rhetoric from one's camp can come back to bite you, even if you were not the one who spoke it. (I have never heard the minister that I referred to earlier ever call anyone a heretic.)

It was only after I was in seminary that I was exposed to other views.

The Word tells us:

1 John 3:2-3 (NKJV)
2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

With prophecy, we are looking through a glass darkly (I Cor. 13:12). We forget that, prior to 1948, the majority of the Evangelical Church taught that Israel would never become a country again. With over a thousand years of teaching that the Church replaced Israel, there was no way that this could ever happen. As ministers in the early 1930's and 40's began proclaiming the resurrection of Israel, they were marked as "heretics" by the mainstay of Evangelical prophecy teachers in the Body of Christ. Needless to say, in 1948 the alleged heretics were proven correct, and the teachers on the forefront were proven wrong. After Israel became a nation, they had to edit and reprint much of their writings. We need to learn from that lesson and realize that the glass still may be a little dark regarding the timing of His return. Let's look at the various eschatological positions on the timing of the return of the Lord:


Various Eschatological View of the Lord's Return[1]

Premillennial Pretribulational View

All believers are raptured out before the Great Tribulation. Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7-year and 1,000-year periods. Israel & Church are separate programs.

Premillennial Posttribulational View

All believers are raptured at the end of the Great Tribulation Period. The Rapture and the Second Coming are the same event. Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7-year and 1,000-year periods. Israel & Church are separate programs.

Premillennial Midtribulational View

All believers are raptured after 42 months (1,260 days) of the 7-year tribulation period. Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7-year and 1,000-year periods. Israel & Church are separate programs.

Premillennial Pretribulational Partial Rapture View

Only some Christians will be raptured before the Great Tribulation. Those “unready” must be martyred to verify their faith. The Rapture and the Second Coming are separate events. Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7-year and 1,000-year periods. Israel & Church are separate programs.

Premillennial Prewrath Rapture View

All believers are raptured during the Great Tribulation, but prior to the “Day of God’s Wrath” (Rev 6:17). The Rapture and the Second Coming are separate events. Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7-year and 1,000-year periods.

Evangelical Postmillennial View

The Tribulation is age-long, not seven years. The Millennium is a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ, realized through the Church’s ministry of the Kingdom of God.

Augustine’s Amillennial View

The Book of Revelation is symbolic of God’s Kingdom’s triumphing through the Church. The Great Tribulation and the Millennium are not 7-year and 1,000-year periods, but are symbolic terms for the age-long struggle of evil against Christ’s rule.

And there are others

Orthodoxy, in my opinion, should be looking for the literal return of Jesus as Messiah ben Joseph (the Conquering King), as well as looking forward to His literal Millennial Reign. This lines up with the whole of scripture and is in perfect harmony with a proper understanding of the Feasts of the LORD.

If we would spend as much time "getting our chores done" as we are fighting about the exact timing of His return, we could make such a difference in the world. Jesus is going to come back exactly when He is supposed to, regardless of how powerfully we argue our viewpoint as to its timing.

Finally, I am reminded of the wisdom of the late Dr. Walter Martin. One of our professors, Dr. Bruce Booker, had the privilege of attending a course taught by this great man of God. There were many in the class that worked feverishly to pin Dr. Martin down to the Premillennial Pretribulational View. I love his response:

"I always pray for a Pretribulation Rapture and prepare for a Posttribulation one."

I believe that Dr. Martin believed it was better to be surprised by Rapture instead of Tribulation. There is always wisdom in preparation.

We need to spend our time preparing ourselves for His return: spiritually, mentally, and even physically. What is the worst that could happen if we are prepared physically to go through a portion of the Tribulation, only to be surprised by Rapture? We would leave supplies for the saints that manifest during those troubled times. Nowhere in the Word does it tell us that we will be left behind if we do not "guess" the exact timing of His coming. We are only commanded to "look" for His return.

In our next article, we will take a close look at the Laodicean Church and one possible reason why the Church is not readily seen in the Book of Revelation after Chapter Three.


© Copyright 2010 by Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

All Rights Reserved

Dr. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, serves as the Pastor of Biblical Life Assembly, and is the President of Biblical Life Publishing.


[1] Taken from "Dealing with "Last Things" - The Rapture, Second Coming, and Millennium" from the Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN © Copyright 1991. Pages 1948-1951.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to School Tuition Special

Summer is over and now it is time to get serious about your studies for ministry. BLCS has made this "Back to School" Special available to help move you forward.

Enroll Using Plan B (Monthly Payment Plan): Enroll with the standard $100.00 down and your first monthly payment will not be due for two months.

Enroll Using Plan C (Full Payment with Enrollment): If you pay your tuition is full with your enrollment application, you will receive the following discounts:

  • 35% all Programs (except the Master of Divinity)
  • 40% on all Master of Divinity Programs
  • Plus: You will receive your first BLCS textbook and module lectures free! (BLCS Choice)

This offer cannot be combined with any other offer and does not include programs with the National Chaplains Institute.


 Your Application Must Be Received by September 30, 2010 to qualify.