Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 6

How to Overcome a Stiffnecked Spirit


The Bond Servant - Part 6:  In this session, Dr. Lake examines the recalcitrant nature of the Body of Christ and then looks at the Apostle Paul's cure for this carnal tendency.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Biblical Life Video Update for December 2011

biblical life video update

CB064047New Bond Servant Series

We have begun a new video series on the "Bond Servant." God has been releasing a new powerful anointing into these sessions that is transforming lives! Allow this new level of anointing to speak into your life and prepare you for what God is going to do in 2012 and beyond.


The Bond Servant - Part 1

An Introduction. Dr. Lake begins a new series on the Bond Servant. What is a bond servant? How does it apply to New Testament believers? What is the connection between the bond servant and the Ten Commandments? Where Moses and Jesus perfect examples of bond servants for us? Is a bond servant to the perfect picture of maturity in Christ? Learn why becoming a bond servant of Messiah in the days ahead are so important for you, your family, and your ministry!

Watch Part 1 on YouTube Now


The Bond Servant - Part 2

Dr. Lake discusses the difference between the "House of Bondage" and the "House of God." Each house has different laws, holidays, and behavior. We need to learn the difference and live by the House of God.

Watch Part 2 on YouTube Now


The Bond Servant - Part 3

Whose house is it anyway? Have we become so democratically minded that we have forgotten the Church represents the Kingdom of God? Are we God-centric in our worship and service or people-centric. This message includes a prophetic warning that God once again is calling us "to repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!"

Watch Part 3 on YouTube Now


The Bond Servant - Part 4

Messiah came to set up free. In this lesson, Dr. Lake delivers a powerful message on how Messiah came to heal us of all the wounds from the House of Bondage. All pain, wounds of the past, mental anguish and torment were crucified with Jesus on the Cross. All this message to release an anointing for inner healing and a new level of freedom into your life!  POWERFUL SESSION.

Watch Part 4 on YouTube Now


The Bond Servant - Part 5

Did you know that Lucifer has an anointing? And that his anointing can ride on top of God's presence and anointing? This is why the sanctification process is so important in the life of the believer. Dr. Lake provides a power illustration on how the priests in the Torah were consecrated for service to God and how it holds the key to purify our own anointing for God!

Watch Part 5 on YouTube Now


More Sessions to This Powerful Series Will Be Added in December.



BLCS_MIssion_VisionDeveloping Your Vision and Moving Forward in Your Mission in the Kingdom Tuition Special

As a leader in the Body of Christ, it is essential that you develop both your mission and vision in the Kingdom. Your education is a strategic part of both. Without the proper training, you will never teach your full potential in the service of God.

As you begin to plan out 2012 and beyond, BLCS is making these tuition specials available to ensure you receive the education you need to move forward. Now is the time to take the next step to your next level ministry!

Enrolling Using Plan B (Monthly Payment Plan): Down payment of $100.00 and no monthly payment for 60 days.

Enrolling Using Plan C (Full Payment with Enrollment): You will receive a 35% discount on tuition on all programs (except the Master of Divinity) - plus the book and lectures for your first module FREE. All Master of Divinity Programs will receive 40% discount on tuition - plus the book and lectures for your first module FREE.

Offer Ends December 31, 2011.

Coupon must accompany enrollment and cannot be used for programs by the National Chaplains Institute.

Visit the Biblical Life College and Seminary Website Now



Reminder About Winter Break

Biblical Life offices will be closed from December 19 - January 1 for Winter Break. If you are needing to order materials for any BLCS modules in December, please make sure we receive them by the 16th. We will make sure all grading is completed and all orders are shipped before leaving for our annual vacation.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 5

Purify Your Stream of Anointing


The Bond Servant Part 5:  Did you know that Lucifer has an anointing?  And that his anointing can ride on top of God's presence and anointing?  This is why the sanctification process is so important in the life of the believer.  Dr. Lake provides a power illustration on how the priests in the Torah were consecrated for service to God and how it holds the key to purify our own anointing for God!


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 4

Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted!


Messiah came to set up free. In this lesson, Dr. Lake delivers a powerful message on how Messiah came to heal us of all the wounds from the House of Bondage. All pain, wounds of the past, mental anguish and torment were crucified with Jesus on the Cross. All this message to release an anointing for inner healing and a new level of freedom into your life!


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 3

The Bond Servant–Part 3


The Bond Servant -- Part 3:  Whose house is it anyway?  Have we become so democratically minded that we have forgotten the Church represents the Kingdom of God?  Are we God-centric in our worship and service or people-centric.  This message includes a prophetic warning that God once again is calling us "to repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!"


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 2

The Bond Servant–Part 2


In the Bond Servant - Part 2, Dr. Lake discusses the difference between the "House of Bondage" and the "House of God."  Each house has different laws, holidays, and behavior.  We need to learn the difference and live by the House of God.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Bond Servant–Part 1

Learning to Become a Bond Servant of Messiah


The Bond Servant - Part 1: An Introduction.  Dr. Lake begins a new series on the Bond Servant.  What is a bond servant?  How does it apply to New Testament believers?  What is the connection between the bond servant and the Ten Commandments?  Where Moses and Jesus perfect examples of bond servants for us?  Is a bond servant to the perfect picture of maturity in Christ?  Learn why becoming a bond servant of Messiah in the days ahead are so important for you, your family, and your ministry!


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Meet the Modern Church

This is a parody of the modern church.  Surprised at just how accurate it really is!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Highway of Holiness

Telling False Teachers/Prophets from Real Ones


How do you tell a false teacher or prophet from a true one.  Do we only consider who they say Jesus is?  Or is there more?  Do we need to examine the spiritual path their teachings put us on?  This eye-opening message is needed in the Body of Christ today.  It is time for us to walk like Jesus walked - on the Highway of Holiness according to the full counsel of God's Word!


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Biblical Life Assembly - Tabernacles 2011


Biblical Life Assembly - Tabernacles 2011.  The Feast of Tabernacles teaches many truths for the believer.  From the concept of salvation to the millennial reign of Christ.  The Lulav also teaches us that we all need the tabernacling presence of Messiah in our lives.  Dr. Lake also touches on what God is going to be doing in the upcoming year.  Strength will be its theme.  God will strengthen the remnant and show Himself strong in the earth.

Feast of Tabernacles, Lulav, Next Move of God, Spiritual Growth.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Biblical Life Mentor's Tips - November 2011: Created to Create

Learn to overcome tomorrow by what you do today!


Biblical Life Mentor's Tips - November 2011:  Created to Create.  In this session, Dr. Lake examines truths from Genesis 1-3 that many overlook.  The Creator created mankind in His own image.  Man was created to create.  The question we need to ask ourselves is what force is moving through us as we create:  heaven or hell.  We need to realize that we create a good portion of our tomorrow.  It is time to roll up our sleeves and work with God.

Creation principles, creating a better tomorrow, spiritual growth.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Atonement 2011–Prophetic Word for the Days Ahead

Powerful Prophetic Word for 2011!

Atonement 2011:  Prophetically, what is ahead for the Body of Christ in 2012?  What are the things the Holy Spirit is speaking during the Days of Awe?  Dr. Lake of Biblical Life delivers a powerful message with strong prophetic overtones for the days ahead.  Is America moving toward judgment?  Is there a refreshing coming for the remnant?  All of this is revealed in this video along with instruction for walking into what God is doing in this hour!


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Feast of Trumpets 2011: The King is in the Field Video

Timely and Prophetic Message for Today


Feast of Trumpets 2011:  The King is in the Field


What is biblically associated with the Feasts of Trumpets.  What does it mean that "the King is in the Field" during the Days of Awe and what does that prophetically mean for believers today.  Is there a shift in Heaven that we need to understand and more.  Dr. Michael K. Lake - Biblical Life Assembly.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Kingdom Mindset: Part 1–An Introduction



by Michael K. Lake, Th.D., D.R.E.

Have you ever had a season in your life in which you could see the world around you with a supernatural clarity? Well, I have been going through such a season. It is a time in which your eyes are opened and God is teaching you, so your understanding can expand to meet the challenges that you face. I am amazed at the serendipitous bits of information that have been dropping into my life; the Holy Spirit has been using them to help me understand the times we are living in.

We need to understand that the world around us is sliding toward an abyss constructed by the Prince of Darkness. This abyss is filled with chaos (lawlessness), hatred, and utter darkness. The demonically inspired generals of this shift in the consciousness of our culture hide within the ivory towers of political movements, rights movements, academia, pulpits, and other positions of influence and power. (We also forget that the first “ivory tower” belonged to Jezebel.) They specialize in getting the disenfranchised (or just bored and mindless) to become their foot soldiers for change. I watched a short video in wonder the other night of the protestors at Wall Street. A professor from one of our esteemed institutions of higher learning (and a self-proclaimed Marxist) was leading the protestors in a chant. They so mindlessly continued parroting him, that when he finished and was trying to thank them for allowing him to speak, they continued repeating every word he said as if they were nothing more than drones. (Scary Note: Most of the protestors were either college students or graduates!)

This phenomenon of cascading toward darkness is not exclusive to the world. These commanders of chaos have their counterparts in the church world. These abdicators of righteousness and truth fill our pulpits, seminaries, and Christian airwaves. They have taken advantage of the fact that most of the Body has lost sight of who they are and what they are really called to. Large portions of the Church so long to be a part of the world (whether for lack of awareness of who they are in Christ or misguided attempts for relevance to our culture) that they follow after this parade of perdition like lost little puppies. Things have got to change.

Designer Beliefs

Over the past few decades, the gates of hell have dropped a pathogen into the consciousness of our society. This lethal contagion is relativism. They have postulated that there are no absolutes in society, even though our universe is filled with them. Their task is to expunge all sense of right and wrong that God has placed within the heart of men so that they can replace it with their own. They seek to be Nietzsche's new man that has moved beyond right and wrong; there is now only will. These intellectual tyrants do not seek to enlighten men (as they claim), rather they seek to enslave them (the original work of Nimrod and Babylon).

This infection of demonic thought has infiltrated sections of our seminaries and pulpits. Relativism plays to the carnal desires embedded by our adversary into the hearts of mankind. No longer are carnal desires brought to the cross for crucifixion. We now either rewrite the Word to placate our sinful passions or choose to offer “enlightened” interpretations inspired by the gates of hell.

The new trend within this generation of Christians is to design their own belief systems. In their Churches, the Word of God is only referred to occasionally as a “proof text” and not the source of ultimate truth. These trends have become so pronounced that USA Today recently released an article detailing its popularity. George Barna is quoted in the article (with a little exaggeration for emphasis) as saying: “America is headed for 310 million people with 310 million religions."[i] Yes, my friend, it is getting that bad. I believe this is a mixture of “every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14) and “the great falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) that the Apostle Paul warned us about. Demonic forces are energizing both with evangelistic fervor never seen before in human history.

There is Another Trend on the Horizon

The good news is that the Holy Spirit is beginning to wake up the remnant and empower them. Our eyes are being opened to both what the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness are doing. While the paradigm shift in the World is moving toward the abyss, the remnant is being awakened toward righteousness and biblicity. Those that are awakened have been blessed with a glimpse of the splendor of God’s Kingdom. Only His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. We have discovered that the Messiah has set us free to walk in God’s commandments, statues, and judgment – restoring the breach and establishing His paths to walk in! Our flesh is (and will remain) crucified, and Jesus is established as the only King in our hearts, lives, and families. Our desire is not for psychobabble and carnal, cotton candy theology; we long for the pure and holy meat of God’s Word. We are leaving our childish ways behind and accepting responsibility so that we can move in divine authority. The Book of Acts will be seen among God’s people again, and the fear of the LORD will become the standard.

Are you ready to move there with me? Are you ready to see God’s Kingdom and God’s reign re-established among His people? If you are, join me in the journey that we will take in this series of articles. Each article will be a building block to restore the walls of God’s protection (like the walls of Jerusalem) around you, your family, and your ministry. Each article will challenge the current trends and force you to face every aspect of life solely through the lens of holy writ.



Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Biblical Life Status Report for October 2011


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adult_levelRE: Biblical Life Status Report – October 2011

Dear Students, Graduates, and Friends:

Greetings in the blessed and powerful name of Jesus (Yeshua)! I pray this update finds you in the blessing of the LORD and will the height of the shalom of God continually abiding in your homes!

Most of your know that the past few years we have been expanding the vision and reach of Biblical Life far beyond the college and seminary. The combined efforts allow us to produce a continual stream of teachings in MP3 audio, video (DVD), and written formats. All of these new outreaches are well beyond the scope and financial support of BLCS. Your gifts to Biblical Life have made all the difference! Look at what we have done together in the past 12 months:

· Partial Scholarships to BLCS: Over $15,000.00 (Note: For every individual we help, there are at least 12 that we cannot. Lately, we have been averaging one request per day for a full scholarship by individuals outside the U.S.)

· MP3 & DVD Sets: We have given away over 1,000 MP3 and DVD sets to individuals hungry for more of God and His Word.

· MP3 Downloads: Over 120,000 downloaded messages in MP3 from individuals around the world. All are being introduced to the Biblical Life difference of Spirit-Filled teaching with the balance of our Hebraic heritage.

· Purchased Equipment: Two new computers and updated wireless audio system for video recording. ($3,000.00)

· Books: We have given away over 500 books and study guides to those hungry for more of God and His Word.

What is amazing to me is how we got all of that accomplished with the funds we had. God was literally multiplying the gifts given to make them go further than was humanly possible! I always stand amazed at how much we are able to accomplish and give away with our limited staff and financial resources. It seems to me that God wants to get what He has placed within our hearts to His Body!

Here are some plans and needs for the next 12 months:


· Videotaping: We would like to step up our videotaping to all messages at Biblical Life. This is an undertaking that should not be considered lightly. To prepare a message in MP3 for audio download takes about 15 minutes to prepare and publish. With videotaping, it takes one to two days in editing and rendering to prepare and publish. If we do not have to worry about creating finances in other areas of the ministry, it will free up more time to produce videos.

· Video Streaming: We would also love to be able to video stream live services from our sanctuary. There are so many that do not attend local congregations that the video streaming would become their service at home. Such a project would cost about $10,000 in new equipment. We are still looking into the fees associated with streaming the video live over the internet with unlimited viewer.

· New Books: I have been outlining several new books. Writing books is much like video editing: if the free time is available, the work can be done.

· Yeshivas via Skype: These yeshivas will be by invitation and we are working out the logistics on improving them and increasing their availability. We just need to understand the technology better and find (and overcome) its limits.

· Increased Articles: Our goal is to release 24 new articles in the next 12 months that empower, encourage, and inform the Body of Christ.


With all the projects we have completed in the past 12 months, as well as all the giving we have done, we need to retire some debts, restock supplies, and prepare for the future.

· Restocking Our Shelves: We need to restock bulk supplies for the production of CDs and DVDs. This includes blank CDs, DVD, labels, albums, sleeve covers, toner for our color printers/copier, etc. $7,000.00.

· Equipment/Programs: We still have one small computer that we need to retire the debt on and several graphics/video editing programs that we need to update to improve the presentation and quality of our DVDs (and uploaded YouTube videos). ($3,000.00)

· Stage Setting: We would like to get rid of the blank blue wall behind the pulpit for our videos. Redesign and updating - $500.00 (?)

· Reoccurring Monthly Fees for all Internet and Webhosting Services: $250.00 (five websites, shopping cart, and newsletter email service).

· Partial Scholarships: We would love to see a slush funds made available to be able to increase the partial scholarships we give to BLCS. These funds cannot come from our general tuitions received as our tuition is set just slightly above cost.

· Your Prayers: With the limited resources that we have (in both finances and staff), we are wanting to increase our output to meet the needs in the Body of Christ. This means a lot of personal things will be set aside to make room for what needs to be accomplished. It means longer hours for my family, the need for more focus, greater productivity, and strength. Your prayers can make the difference!

· Be Bold and Share Biblical Life with Others: Word of mouth (i.e. testimony) is one of the best ways to share about all faucets of Biblical Life: from the college and seminary to the free MP3 teachings and videos on YouTube. It is my heart’s desire for all of these resources we are teaming together to produce to reach as many people as possible. Share them on Facebook, Twitter, and G+. Mention them with links on your own websites and BLOGS. Share our websites with those you meet that are hungry for more of God and His Word.

Free Resources Available Now on the Internet

MP3 Teachings:

Covenant Faith MP3 – 16 Complete Sessions: Available on the BLA Series Download Page –

Online Videos:

Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 1:

Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 2:

Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 3:

Faith is a Life of Action:

Spiritual Dynamics of the Tithe:

Giving to the Continued Ministry of Biblical Life

1. You can give by mailing in your love gift to our offices. Make your love gift payable to: Biblical Life.

2. Use our online giving at . Use whatever combination to equal the amount you a lead to give.

Biblical Life Victory Briefing October 2011 - Faith is a Life of Action


Biblical Life Victory Briefing October 2011 - Faith is a Life of Action

In this lesson, Dr. Lake examines a wide range of issues from the Word of God.  In Isaiah, did you know that there were references to: (1) Temporal Mechanics -  Effect can come before cause and (2) what was the "butter and honey" the Messiah would eat that would cause Him to discern good from evil?  What was it that "fed" the spiritual life of Jesus and kept His direction true to Heaven?  It is time to get off the bench and become known for your actions in the Kingdom!

Kingdom realities, actionable faith, temporal mechanics, victorious living.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Monday, September 26, 2011

Faith and Teshuvah

Jesus asked in Luke 18:8 “Will the Son of Man find any that are faithful when He returns.”  This lesson takes a look at developing our faith and our faithfulness to the Lord so that we are rock solid in Him when he returns.

Download MP3 Message


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Monday, September 19, 2011

Balancing Grace and Judgment

scales-of-justiceDid you know that you can find Jesus (and His first & second coming) in Genesis 2:4? Learn how essential it will be in the Last Days for the Body to have a balanced and matured understanding of both “grace/mercy” and “judgment/justice.” Without this balance, we will be unprepared for the days ahead.


Download MP3 Message

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Covenant Faith Lesson 16

mp3Covenant Faith Lesson 16: The Life of Faith is a Life of Making the Impossible Possible!

Download Message in MP3


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Preventing the Dismantling of America–Part 3

Paganism and materialism has reduced the Church in America to the Laodicean Church found in Revelation 3.  Dr. Lake draws from ancient Hebrew wisdom from the Prophet Isaiah to formulate a plan to wake the Body of Christ up before it is too late.  Everyone that listens to this message can become a part of God's solution in this hour!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Covenant Faith–Lesson 15

The Boldness of Faith:  When we walk in faith, a new boldness will take a hold of our hearts to withstand the lure and threats of Babylon!

Download MP3 Message

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Covenant Faith Lesson 14

Developing Covenant Faith – Part 2faith2


This week, we will examine biblical steps to developing faith in your life.  Learn how to allow your faith to develop to the place that nothing within God’s Kingdom is out of its reach!

Download MP3 Message

Monday, August 15, 2011

Covenant Faith Lesson 13

mp3Developing Covenant Faith Part 1

In this lesson, Dr. Lake examines from a Hebraic mindset what it means for the “just to live by faith.”  A real eye-opener!


Download MP3 Message

Friday, August 12, 2011

Preventing the Dismantling of America - Part 2

In this session, Dr. Lake looks at the basic beliefs of the Illuminati, how they have seeded paganism into the Church to weaken it, and three powerful steps that believers can take to undo the damage they have cause and take back America.



Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Monday, August 8, 2011

Covenant Faith 12

AbrahamIsaacGod’s Covenant Man Opens the Door to Salvation.  In this lesson we will discover the watershed event in the life of Abraham.  His faithfulness opens the door to Jesus coming and giving His life for us on the Cross.  Very powerful and timely message.


Download MP3 Message



Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Biblical Life Office Closed for Atlanta Conference

plane2Dr. Lake will be leaving Friday morning to travel to Atlanta for the “God will do the Amazing” Summit at Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International .  The summit begins on Friday night.  For more information on this summit, please see our earlier post.

Our office will be closed from July 29 – August 1.  Our office will reopen at 9:00am on August 2.

Please keep this conference and Dr. Lake’s travels in your prayers.  If you are in the Atlanta area, we would love to see you there!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Covenant Faith 11

Abraham – the Intercessor.  Learn what Abraham did that allowed him to stand between God and Sodom to intercede.  This powerful lesson will place new tools in your hands to become a more powerful intercessor that can move Heaven.

Note:  The next two weeks, Dr. Lake will be on the road and will not have new sessions to post.

Download MP3 Message


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Covenant Faith–Part 10

Walking-With-Jesus-PMS-J7p1The Power of Walking with God.  In this lesson, Abram learns that cultural traditions can flow contrary to the Kingdom of God (and produced Ishmael) and finds a new transforming power in walking with God.

Download MP3 Message


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318: (Coming Soon)


Friday, July 8, 2011

Preventing the Dismantling of America–Part 1

Recently Lindsay Williams had released information on the plans of the Elite to reduce America to a third world nation in 2012.  In light of this information, Dr. Michael K. Lake has felt a release by the Holy Spirit to detail spiritual, mental, and physical steps that all believers can take to prevent this dismantling of our country,  In Part 1, Dr. Lake details a short history of how the Elite have transformed our nation over the past 100 years.  He also looks at several spiritual steps that we can take to slow down and even reverse this process. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Filming of New Series Begins Tonight

video-cameraDr. Lake will begin filming a new series for the Monthly Victory Briefing for our YouTube channel beginning tonight. (

New revelations from Lindsay Williams regarding the plans of the Elite to collapse America in 2012 has come to light. If you have not seen this nine part DVD series by Lindsay Williams, it is available at the Prophecy Club ( What Lindsay has presenting for the past 35 years regarding what the Elite have told him, he has been 100% accurate. So this is not information to ignore.

The Holy Spirit has been dealing with Dr. Lake on ways that we can prepare, slow down their agenda, and even regain much ground they have taken. God always has a plan! We must be diligent in our position in the Kingdom to flow with God to stop the Elite’s assault on our nation!

We hope to have the first video posted to our YouTube channel by the end of the week. If time and finances allow, Dr. Lake plans on accelerating our video releases to twice a month instead of once a month.

Make a Donation to Biblical Life to Help with This Project

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back from Vacation

writing1237253437We are back in the office from our much needed vacation.  We have several hundred emails, letters, and faxes to sort through.  Please give us to the end of the week to caught up on our correspondence.

Blessings to all!

Dr. Lake

Monday, July 4, 2011

Covenant Faith–Lesson 9

bread_WineThe Transformation of Abram Part 6: From Promise to Covenant.  Abram passes another test and God enters into blood covenant with him.  Learn how to move from promise to covenant and what God expects of us as we enter into it.  A powerful lesson with many revelations that can be applied today.

Download MP3 Lecture


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Covenant Faith Part 8

The Transformation of Abram – Part 5: Warfare & Revelation.

Abram has finally grown in his understanding of who is becoming in God.  When Lot is taken captive, Abram raises up an army of “the trained” to deliver.  In this lesson you will learn:

  • What is the importance of the “trained.”
  • How revelation is connected to conducting and winning spiritual warfare.
  • What the greatest revelation was that God gave to Abram.
  • What the elite of the world are planning for America (and the world) and how returning to the Word of God is the answer.

Download MP3 message


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Covenant Faith–Part 7

Strife-1-AdThe Transformation of Abram – Part 4:  Winning the Test Over Strife

After Abram returned from Egypt, he was faced with another test – the test regarding strife.  Learn what the Word says about concerning strife, how to overcome it, and what happens when you past the test!  One of the more powerful messages given this year!


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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Transformation of Abram–Part 3

In this week’s message we learn the power of God giving you the space to grow and learn through His grace.  Your faithfulness to His instruction opens the door for God to have your back in all situations! 

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Tuition Special

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Offer Ends July 31, 2011
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Monday, June 6, 2011

The Quandary of the Missing Harvest

shocked_webI have been involved in Christian education for over a quarter of a century. Over the years, I have found one of the major obstacles that pastors face today is believers that are frustrated in their spiritual walk. They are worn, weary and at wits-end over the fact that the spiritual harvest times in their lives are more filled with weeds, rocks and thorns than the harvest that God promises in His Word. They see a few others occasionally that do have those blessed times of harvest – but it always seems to be out of their reach.

Those of you familiar with Biblical Life know that we address things such as generation curses, cloaked pagan practices in the Church and a host of other spiritual warfare topics that can stop our blessings cold in their tracks. The source of this problem, I believe, runs even deeper. The problem is our culture in America. There are things built within our very culture that can hold back our harvest.

Now before I get started, let me say this loud and clear – what I am speaking is NOT against America or being American. I am a veteran and would pick up arms to defend this nation in a heartbeat. (You vets know what I mean. I can still put together an M-16 with my eyes closed.) It’s not the country; it is junk that has crept into our culture over the years that runs opposite to the Word of God. In the Old Testament, God continually warned Israel not to allow the cultures of other nations to influence them. Over time we forget the ungodly origins of some of the things we do, and they simply become our traditions or culture. As you read this article, my prayer is that you have one of those “selah” moments that will cause you to examine why you do what you do.

Genesis 8:22 (KJV)
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

From the very beginning, God began teaching man about spiritual things through agricultural types and shadows. Constantly in the Word we are given teachings such as:

Galatians 6:7 (KJV)
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Galatians 6:9 (KJV)

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Matthew 21:33 (KJV)

33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and letit out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:

Matthew 13:31 (KJV)
31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

In all of these scriptures, God is trying to establish the correlation between how things operate spiritually and how seed matures and then develops into a harvest. Much of the Body of Christ has understood the seed principle, and we hear about it almost continually on Christian Television today.

What we have missed is the “season” principle. I believe there can be a direct correlation between the seasons in the physical and those of the spiritual. Let’s review the seasons and their spiritual application for the sake of clarity. (When everyone has the same understanding, they usually end up at the same place.)


Winter is a time of resting. There is no physical growth of plant life above the surface of the ground, but a lot is going on underground. It is the same with us. God is not doing a lot externally, but He is hard at work internally. This is a time to press into God and let your roots run deep. Remember, the Kingdom of God is first within and THEN without.

Luke 17:21 (KJV)
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.


Everything starts to come alive. It seems like nature explodes with a desire for life and beauty. For us, it is a time that God is speaking. There are times of great revelation and watering of the Holy Spirit. Seeds of the Kingdom are being planted everywhere. Rhema from God falls like the spring rains, and it is so easy to see the Holy Spirit move in our midst.


The heat of the summer represents trials and toil. Satan comes to test and to steal the Word that was sown in our hearts during the springtime. Jesus taught us about the summer in the Gospel of Mark.

Mark 4:14-20 (KJV)
14 The sower soweth the word. 15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 17 And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended. 18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. 20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

We always pay attention to the seed, but not to the season. The only time the seed can grow and mature is in the summer!

If you have ever gardened, you will understand what I am going to share next. Just planting the seed is not enough! All summer long you must:

  • Plow in between the rows to keep the soil aerated. (Repentance)
  • Pull all of the weeds. (Pulling Down Strongholds)
  • Make sure adequate water and sunlight are provided. (Time with God and His Word)
  • Continually pull rocks out of the garden (Developing Biblical Paradigms)
  • Guard the garden from anything that would eat or destroy the crop. (Spiritual Warfare)

Over the past few years, Missouri had been in a draught. (Praise God it appears to be over!) What we learned during the draught was that it was not the spring or fall that made or killed the garden. The deciding factor was primarily the summer. A long summer of no rain and too much hot sun will destroy a crop. Actually that is the point that I want to make – our reaction to summer in America is killing much of our personal spiritual harvest!

In the springtime, ministries seem to get moving forward again. There is excitement in the Body about what God is doing and about the Kingdom of God. There are fresh words coming from Heaven. Then it happens! What happens, you might ask? Kids get out of school, our thoughts turn to vacation and we go spiritually dead for three months. “Hey! It’s the summer. Time to play, have fun – everything else will wait till fall!” Isn’t that the American way? Attendance in Church drops to a minimum as well as the offerings for all ministries across the board. (We even have many students that completely stop paying their tuition during the summer and begin again right before they get terminated for non-payment in September.) The Church is then hit square between the eyes with the great American summer play time. Everything else comes to a screeching halt.

Friends, what happens if you plant a wonderful garden in the spring and then abandon it all summer? What are you going to find at harvest time (September – October)? How about weeds, rocks and thorns! We have been so conditioned by our culture to abandon (although we call it “putting it on hold”) our spiritual gardens during the summer that we are the ones destroying our own harvests from neglect. We do it year after year and always get mad at God and frustrated over our lack of harvest in the fall.

Here are some words of wisdom. First, summer vacation is one or two weeks sometime during the summer. Enjoy it, do wonderful things with your family and be blessed with not having to go to work for a few days. Here is a reality check – the vacation does not last for all three months! If you do not go back to work after that one or two weeks off, where will you be in September? Bankrupt! Many Christians find themselves in the same exact position spiritually.

This summer make a determination before God to not abandon your spiritual garden. The summer separates the men from the boys. All the boys want to do is go out and play. Real spiritual men and women are cultivating their spiritual fields; watering, weeding and caring for their gardens; and pulling up every stone that would in any way hinder their harvest. They work their gardens because they have their harvest in sight!

The final truth I want to express in this article is that God shares in our frustration. As God was giving me the concepts of this article, He said to me:

“You need to understand how this grieves My Spirit as well. As I move in the spring to expand My kingdom – just as the momentum starts to really pick up, the Body in America runs off to play and abandons what I am doing. That is the difference between America and other countries. People comment that I am moving so much stronger in other nations. Son, it’s not Me; it’s your culture. I used to move greatly in America. My heart longs for times like the great revivals of old. You need to understand that Satan’s countermove to those great revivals was this American summer time culture. This obsession with continual summer fun may drive the economy, but it is stalling out the Kingdom!”

Well, now you know the truth – it’s either culture or kingdom. For some, I may have answered many questions as to what has happened to their spiritual harvest. For others, I have made them mad because I kicked over a sacred cow. The latter shows us just how engrained this is within our culture and how diabolical the plan of the enemy is. Why do I say it was diabolical? Because blood washed saints are upset that I was messing with their summer fun instead of being upset that anything would ever stop the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the earth!

So here is my final question for you:

“What are your plans this summer?”


drlake-blpProfile on Author

Michael K. Lake, Th.D., D.R.E.

Chancellor and Founder

Dr. Lake is the chancellor and founder of Biblical Life College & Seminary and serves as an educational consultant for various Christian organizations around the world. He also serves as the Pastor of Biblical Life Assembly and as the President of Biblical Life Publishing in Marshfield, MO. Dr. Lake is listed in the US Registry’s “Who’s Who Among Outstanding Americans,” Sterling’s “Who’s Who Executive Edition,” and the “Who’s Who Among American Teachers” for his accomplishments in ministry.

Transformation of Abram–Part 2

abraham-stars-colorCovenant Faith Lesson 05: The Transformation of Abram Part 2.

In this lesson we will look at how the enemy will move to drive you out of the very promise that God gave to you.  We see this in the life of Abram and in the parable of the Sower and the Word.  Learn how to overcome the tactics of the enemy and how you can begin seeing the Word produce in your life!

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Covenant Faith–Lesson 4

abraham-stars-colorThe Transformation of Abram – Part 1.  In the theology of the Apostle Paul, Abraham is a key figure for the Gentiles.  Abraham was a Gentile before he began his walk with God.  During this walk, Abram became Abraham.  Grace moved to commandments, then moved to covenant.  This same walk is available to all of us because of the completed work of Messiah.  Learn how Abram’s transformation can be yours as well!

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Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:
