Thursday, July 28, 2011

Biblical Life Office Closed for Atlanta Conference

plane2Dr. Lake will be leaving Friday morning to travel to Atlanta for the “God will do the Amazing” Summit at Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International .  The summit begins on Friday night.  For more information on this summit, please see our earlier post.

Our office will be closed from July 29 – August 1.  Our office will reopen at 9:00am on August 2.

Please keep this conference and Dr. Lake’s travels in your prayers.  If you are in the Atlanta area, we would love to see you there!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Covenant Faith 11

Abraham – the Intercessor.  Learn what Abraham did that allowed him to stand between God and Sodom to intercede.  This powerful lesson will place new tools in your hands to become a more powerful intercessor that can move Heaven.

Note:  The next two weeks, Dr. Lake will be on the road and will not have new sessions to post.

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Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Covenant Faith–Part 10

Walking-With-Jesus-PMS-J7p1The Power of Walking with God.  In this lesson, Abram learns that cultural traditions can flow contrary to the Kingdom of God (and produced Ishmael) and finds a new transforming power in walking with God.

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Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318: (Coming Soon)


Friday, July 8, 2011

Preventing the Dismantling of America–Part 1

Recently Lindsay Williams had released information on the plans of the Elite to reduce America to a third world nation in 2012.  In light of this information, Dr. Michael K. Lake has felt a release by the Holy Spirit to detail spiritual, mental, and physical steps that all believers can take to prevent this dismantling of our country,  In Part 1, Dr. Lake details a short history of how the Elite have transformed our nation over the past 100 years.  He also looks at several spiritual steps that we can take to slow down and even reverse this process. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Filming of New Series Begins Tonight

video-cameraDr. Lake will begin filming a new series for the Monthly Victory Briefing for our YouTube channel beginning tonight. (

New revelations from Lindsay Williams regarding the plans of the Elite to collapse America in 2012 has come to light. If you have not seen this nine part DVD series by Lindsay Williams, it is available at the Prophecy Club ( What Lindsay has presenting for the past 35 years regarding what the Elite have told him, he has been 100% accurate. So this is not information to ignore.

The Holy Spirit has been dealing with Dr. Lake on ways that we can prepare, slow down their agenda, and even regain much ground they have taken. God always has a plan! We must be diligent in our position in the Kingdom to flow with God to stop the Elite’s assault on our nation!

We hope to have the first video posted to our YouTube channel by the end of the week. If time and finances allow, Dr. Lake plans on accelerating our video releases to twice a month instead of once a month.

Make a Donation to Biblical Life to Help with This Project

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back from Vacation

writing1237253437We are back in the office from our much needed vacation.  We have several hundred emails, letters, and faxes to sort through.  Please give us to the end of the week to caught up on our correspondence.

Blessings to all!

Dr. Lake

Monday, July 4, 2011

Covenant Faith–Lesson 9

bread_WineThe Transformation of Abram Part 6: From Promise to Covenant.  Abram passes another test and God enters into blood covenant with him.  Learn how to move from promise to covenant and what God expects of us as we enter into it.  A powerful lesson with many revelations that can be applied today.

Download MP3 Lecture


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:
