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RE: Biblical Life Status Report – October 2011
Dear Students, Graduates, and Friends:
Greetings in the blessed and powerful name of Jesus (Yeshua)! I pray this update finds you in the blessing of the LORD and will the height of the shalom of God continually abiding in your homes!
Most of your know that the past few years we have been expanding the vision and reach of Biblical Life far beyond the college and seminary. The combined efforts allow us to produce a continual stream of teachings in MP3 audio, video (DVD), and written formats. All of these new outreaches are well beyond the scope and financial support of BLCS. Your gifts to Biblical Life have made all the difference! Look at what we have done together in the past 12 months:
· Partial Scholarships to BLCS: Over $15,000.00 (Note: For every individual we help, there are at least 12 that we cannot. Lately, we have been averaging one request per day for a full scholarship by individuals outside the U.S.)
· MP3 & DVD Sets: We have given away over 1,000 MP3 and DVD sets to individuals hungry for more of God and His Word.
· MP3 Downloads: Over 120,000 downloaded messages in MP3 from individuals around the world. All are being introduced to the Biblical Life difference of Spirit-Filled teaching with the balance of our Hebraic heritage.
· Purchased Equipment: Two new computers and updated wireless audio system for video recording. ($3,000.00)
· Books: We have given away over 500 books and study guides to those hungry for more of God and His Word.
What is amazing to me is how we got all of that accomplished with the funds we had. God was literally multiplying the gifts given to make them go further than was humanly possible! I always stand amazed at how much we are able to accomplish and give away with our limited staff and financial resources. It seems to me that God wants to get what He has placed within our hearts to His Body!
Here are some plans and needs for the next 12 months:
· Videotaping: We would like to step up our videotaping to all messages at Biblical Life. This is an undertaking that should not be considered lightly. To prepare a message in MP3 for audio download takes about 15 minutes to prepare and publish. With videotaping, it takes one to two days in editing and rendering to prepare and publish. If we do not have to worry about creating finances in other areas of the ministry, it will free up more time to produce videos.
· Video Streaming: We would also love to be able to video stream live services from our sanctuary. There are so many that do not attend local congregations that the video streaming would become their service at home. Such a project would cost about $10,000 in new equipment. We are still looking into the fees associated with streaming the video live over the internet with unlimited viewer.
· New Books: I have been outlining several new books. Writing books is much like video editing: if the free time is available, the work can be done.
· Yeshivas via Skype: These yeshivas will be by invitation and we are working out the logistics on improving them and increasing their availability. We just need to understand the technology better and find (and overcome) its limits.
· Increased Articles: Our goal is to release 24 new articles in the next 12 months that empower, encourage, and inform the Body of Christ.
With all the projects we have completed in the past 12 months, as well as all the giving we have done, we need to retire some debts, restock supplies, and prepare for the future.
· Restocking Our Shelves: We need to restock bulk supplies for the production of CDs and DVDs. This includes blank CDs, DVD, labels, albums, sleeve covers, toner for our color printers/copier, etc. $7,000.00.
· Equipment/Programs: We still have one small computer that we need to retire the debt on and several graphics/video editing programs that we need to update to improve the presentation and quality of our DVDs (and uploaded YouTube videos). ($3,000.00)
· Stage Setting: We would like to get rid of the blank blue wall behind the pulpit for our videos. Redesign and updating - $500.00 (?)
· Reoccurring Monthly Fees for all Internet and Webhosting Services: $250.00 (five websites, shopping cart, and newsletter email service).
· Partial Scholarships: We would love to see a slush funds made available to be able to increase the partial scholarships we give to BLCS. These funds cannot come from our general tuitions received as our tuition is set just slightly above cost.
· Your Prayers: With the limited resources that we have (in both finances and staff), we are wanting to increase our output to meet the needs in the Body of Christ. This means a lot of personal things will be set aside to make room for what needs to be accomplished. It means longer hours for my family, the need for more focus, greater productivity, and strength. Your prayers can make the difference!
· Be Bold and Share Biblical Life with Others: Word of mouth (i.e. testimony) is one of the best ways to share about all faucets of Biblical Life: from the college and seminary to the free MP3 teachings and videos on YouTube. It is my heart’s desire for all of these resources we are teaming together to produce to reach as many people as possible. Share them on Facebook, Twitter, and G+. Mention them with links on your own websites and BLOGS. Share our websites with those you meet that are hungry for more of God and His Word.
Free Resources Available Now on the Internet
MP3 Teachings:
Covenant Faith MP3 – 16 Complete Sessions: Available on the BLA Series Download Page –
Online Videos:
Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 1:
Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 2:
Preventing the Dismantling of America – Part 3:
Faith is a Life of Action:
Spiritual Dynamics of the Tithe:
Giving to the Continued Ministry of Biblical Life
1. You can give by mailing in your love gift to our offices. Make your love gift payable to: Biblical Life.
2. Use our online giving at . Use whatever combination to equal the amount you a lead to give.