Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Expanded Tuition Promotion for February 2012

theological_seminary_online_readerChart Your Course for Victory!


True leadership is expressed by the vision to chart one's course through challenging times toward victory. Education has always been a strategic element for success in ministry. BLCS is ready to assist you in your educational endeavors. If you are ready to move forward and see more accomplished in your life and ministry than ever before, call or email for a free consultation.

Current Tuition Special:

Enrolling Using Plan C (Full Payment with Enrollment): You will receive a full 35% discount on tuition on all programs.

Offer Ends March 31, 2012.


Coupon must accompany enrollment and cannot be used for programs by the National Chaplains Institute.

Plan B Tuition Promotion for February OnlyBLCS Gift Certificate


Many new students need to use Plan B or the Monthly Payment Program. In the month of February, if you enroll using Plan B (Monthly Payments with $100.00 down), you will receive a Gift Certificate for $75.00 toward materials produced by Biblical Life College and Seminary to get you working quickly on your first module of studies.

This offer is automatically given to all enrollments using Plan B from February 8 to 29. Enrollments received after this date will not qualify for the Gift Certificate.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Biblical Life Messages Now MP3 Podcasts on iTunes

podcast_logo2We have been busy working hard to make it easier for you to receive the weekly messages in MP3 audio.  Each week’s message is now available as a podcast on iTunes.  For iTunes users, simply subscribe to our weekly podcast and your system will automatically download the audio messages.

Subscribe to Biblical Life Podcast on iTunes

Monday, February 6, 2012

RSS Feed for MP3 Audio Messages

rssWe have sent up an RSS feed for our weekly MP3 messages.  This will allow you to be notified as soon as a new message is available for download.  This podcast feed has also been submitted to iTunes.  Once the feed is approved, you will be able to subscribe to it in iTunes and it will automatically download all new messages.

Subscribe to RSS Feed.

The Call and Gifts - Part 2

Activate and Mature Your Gifts


The Call and Gifts - Part 2:  Not only is the call of God irrevocable, but so are His gifts in our lives.  These gifts are different from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Motivational Gifts, or Ministry Gifts:  these are Gifts for Living.  The Gifts for living do many things in our lives are the variations of them are almost limitless.  Learn what these treasures are in you, what they do, and how to activate them.


Biblical Life Assembly (includes free weekly messages in MP3):

Biblical Life College and Seminary:

Biblical Life Publishing:

Biblical Life Monthly Teaching Videos:

Unit 318:

Follow Biblical Life on Twitter:  @biblicallife
