Friday, September 3, 2010

We are approaching the Fall Feasts of the LORD

TheFeastOfTrumpetsWe are quickly approaching the Fall Feasts of the LORD.  At Biblical Life, we observe the Feasts according to the Barley Harvest in Israel – which is our estimate in the most biblical.  Here are the dates:

Feasts of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)

Starts at Sunset on Sept 10 through Sunset on the 11th.

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

Starts at Sunset on Sept 19 through Sunset on the 29th.

First Day of the Feast of Trumpets (Sukkot)

Starts at Sunset on Sept 24 through Sunset on the 25th.

Last Great Day of the Feast

Starts at Sunset Oct 1 through Sunset on the 2nd.

The Feasts are all about Jesus and God’s Prophetic time table.  If you have not studied the Feasts, it might be a good time to purchase our DVD Set and Study Guide on “The Feasts of the LORD and Their Spiritual Significance in the Life of the Believer.”

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