Friday, October 15, 2010

Audio Problems with This Month’s Video

audio-waveformWeek after week, month after month, videotaping went smoothly.  Then it was as if someone had flipped some mysterious switch and our audio had a strange interference.  This interference made the session on “Fasting Forward” impossible to listen to. 

We could blame it on the devil not wanting this powerful message to get out, but the true is that is was all the fault of the U.S. Congress.  No, really.  The wireless system that we were using to connect to our camera can no longer be used.  Part of the process of going digital with TV was so that local first responders could use those bandwidths for emergency radios.  We found out the hard way that this includes many of the wireless mic systems that churches use. 

We have taken steps to overcome this problem and we are taping a new series titled “The Prophetic, the New Heart, & Fulfilling Your Destiny.”  We hope to complete this new series within the next few weeks and will have a sample posted soon.

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