Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Productivity Tech Tip # 1: Dropbox

dropboxMost of us in full time ministry have more than one computer.  In fact, we will have a computer at the office, one at home, and maybe a notebook computer, iPad, iPhone, Android or Blackberry Smartphones.  Wouldn’t it be great to have files that would sync and be accessible from all of these devices? 

I discovered Dropbox over a year ago.  I have thrown just about everything at it and it works easily and flawlessly.  It is installed on every electronic device I use (completely a cross-platform program).  The last two courses I have written I kept in Dropbox.  I have two current books on it and all my sermon notes dating all the way back to 2001!  They are always available if I am at the office, home or on the road.

Another great thing about Dropbox is that an account with 2 GIG is FREE.  I have all this information on it in Word (several thousand files) and I am only using 5% of my space.  Larger space is available for a nominal monthly fee.

If this sounds like something you would use, click on the link below to sign up for your free account.

Sign Up for Your Free Dropbox Account

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