Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“What Witches Don’t Want Christian to Know” Book Now Available for the Kindle


Mary’s book entitled “What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know” is now available for the Kindle.  Everyone that has read this book says that they cannot put it down until they have finished.  It answers many questions on how the enemy gets in to attack us and how to close the doors.

Purchase Digital Book on Kindle

Purchase Paperback Book through Create Space

Eating God’s Way Now Available in Paperback

EGW-CoverWe finally received the proof from the printers and have approved it.  You can now purchase the paperback version of Dr. Lake’s new book “Eating God’s Way” online.

Purchase Book Now

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Power of Walking with God



The Biblical Life Victory Briefing for February 2011 is “The Power of Walking with God” by Michael K. Lake, Th.D. Dr. Lake is the Chancellor of Biblical Life College and Seminary, the Founder of Biblical Life Publishing, and the Pastor of Biblical Life Assembly.

Did you know that walking with God was a part of the calling of Adam? Walking with God is what set Enoch, Abraham, and King David apart from all the other characters in the Old Testament. The call of Jesus is to come and walk with Him. The Church has lost the reality of this walk. In fact, the lame man at the Gate called Beautiful in Acts 3 is a powerful prophetic picture of the Gentile Church in Western civilization today. Through the powerful story in Acts, you can discover how to restore your walk with God today!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Biblical Life Update–January 17, 2011

1. New Book – “Eating God’s Way: God’s Instruction for Spiritual and Physical Health” by Dr. Michael K. Lake

EGW-KindleDid you know that God is concerned about what you eat? Have you examined what the Word of God says about the existence of clean and unclean animals before Moses? Did you know that what you eat can affect your soul? Did you know that Gentile believers ate according to Leviticus 11 in New Testament times?  

Over the years, our traditions and carnal appetites have skewed our interpretation of what the Old and New Testaments teach about food. We have also taken many Scriptures out of context as prooftexts to justify our eating habits. Isn’t it time to return to a lifestyle that is completely biblical? 

Eating God’s Way provides an honest and balanced hermeneutical examination of every major Scripture that deals with what God wants us to eat, what He wants us to avoid, and why. Let Eating God’s Way become your handbook for learning (and explaining) God’s instruction for spiritual and physical health!

The ebook version is currently available in the Kindle format and may be purchased through Amazon. Purchase Kindle Edition through Amazon

The paperback version should be ready for purchase online through CreateSpace by the end of the week.

We will also have a four-part DVD series based on the book completed by the end of the month.

We will be posting links to purchase the paperback and DVD versions on our College & Seminary BLOG:

2. RFI Yeshiva in Roanoke, VA – January 24-25

Restoration Fellowship International is hosting a two-day Yeshiva (Bible conference with open discussion) at the Holiday Inn in Roanoke, VA. (3315 Ordway Dr, Roanoke, VA) The theme this year is “Experiencing the Invisible Kingdom.” Speakers will include Dr. Karl Coke, Dr. Michael Lake, and Dr. John Looper. We encourage everyone in the area to come to these meeting for a time of deep study in the Word, group discussion, and prayer.

Because of the travel involved, the administrative office of Biblical Life College & Seminary will be closed January 24-26 (Monday – Wednesday) and will reopen on Thursday morning.

3. Biblical Life Victory Briefing for February 2011

We have filmed the Biblical Life Victory Briefing for February. The teaching is entitled: The Power of Walking with God – Part 1. This teaching presents the concept of how walking with God has become a lost art in the Church today, how our call from God is to walk with Him, and how the lame man at the Gate called Beautiful in Acts 3 is a prophetic picture of the Church today.

The video will be posted to YouTube by the end of the week. You can also watch it on our Biblical Life Victory Briefing site. (

Monday, January 3, 2011

Productivity Tip # 2: Evernote

evernoteIf you are like me, you are constantly collecting ideas and information.  I used to have 3 x 5 cards and sticky notes all over the place.  Usually when I needed a note, it was somewhere else (the problem of having an office at the Seminary and one at home).  I ran across Evernote about three years ago.  It is a true cross-platform program.  I have it on all my computers (Windows), on my iPad, iPod Touch, and on my Blackberry (when I was using the Storm 2).  They also have the program for Android phones, Mac computers, and the web. 

What makes Evernote so great is that any note I create on any device will sync automatically through Wi-Fi or your mobile service.  It also allows me to have file folders and tags to organize my thoughts, take voice memos, photos, or even clips from webpages.  The uses are almost endless.

The basic service at Evernote is free.  Additional services (such as scanning documents, etc.) is available at a yearly rate.  I use it every day and have found the free service works well.

Stop forgetting and start organizing today!

Go to the Evernote Site

Results of Onsite Inspection with ACI

aci_logoOur office just received the results of our ACI Onsite Inspection.  BLCS has been awarded the “Accredited Comprehensive Member” status, which is the highest level available through Accrediting Commission International.  We will now be able to have representation at the annual ACI conference.  In fact, this year Dr. Lake has been asked to present a workshop on “Technology and Publishing.”

A Famine of Hearing the Word

openBibleNew message has been posted for free download in MP3.  A Famine of Hearing the Word will explain to you why so many believers are closing their ears to the truths of God’s Word.  We will see this trend rise in 2011 for those that have abandoned God’s ways for their own.

Download Message


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