Monday, November 8, 2010

New Avenues of Ministry Are Opening

drlake-teachingIn a recent meeting with Dr. Tom Horn of the Raiders News Network, we were informed about a new technology that will become available in 2011. This new technology is true Internet TV that makes all programming “on-demand” will flourish next year. Unlike traditional TV, you will be able search for a show or video (like you do now on YouTube), and stream it to your TV. We are preparing to take advantage of this development and hope to have a “Biblical Life” channel available by the end of 2011 that will include courses and special seminars for the Christian community worldwide.

We are also investing in “green screen” technology that will allow us to have a more professional video presence in our productions. We are also hoping to film Yeshivas (biblical discussion groups) on various topics with professors and special guests for future video distribution. Needless to say, we are excited about all the possibilities this new technology will bring for the teaching of God’s principles for a biblical life.

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